Saas Lawyer


SaaS Contracts Lawyer

SaaS Lawyer Andrew S. Bosin can be reached for a free consultation at 201-446-9643.

The use of Software as a Service (SaaS) products, services and applications has skyrocketed in the last few years making it even more important to avail yourself of the best SaaS legal services.

SaaS is a web based delivery and licensing model in which SaaS software is accessed via a subscription through the internet. The SaaS vendor through a cloud managed services provider serves, hosts and maintains the SaaS product. This is why you need to hire an experienced SaaS Lawyer to draft contracts and explain SaaS law to you.

This SaaS model is different from traditional on premises software in which the customer purchases software from a company and installs it themselves on their own computer. Examples of SaaS products and applications include Google, Shopify, Salesforce, Slack, HubSpot, Zoom and ServiceNow.

With SaaS, instead of installing software themselves, companies are choosing to use SaaS applications and services because they are convenient to use. Any business that has an internet connection can take advantage of the convenience of web-based software. if you are a customer its a good idea to have a SaaS attorney review or negotiate the SaaS contract.

Also, many SaaS applications are created to work with other software that is not part of the SaaS offering, a company might develop custom tools for its employees or customers and integrate those tools with the SaaS application. Or, the company might use an API from another vendor to integrate its self-created solutions with the SaaS offering.


Each SaaS vendor usually has a standard, typical customer contract that governs the details of their services.  While customers who are individuals may have less leverage to change contract terms, businesses working with SaaS companies often review and negotiate the terms of the agreement as needed. An experienced SaaS Contracts Attorney will know what terms should be in the agreement to protect customers.


It is essential for the agreement to set forth the service vendor’s obligations regarding performance and service availability.  Typically, there are “service level requirements” which the vendor must meet.  For customers, there are some key terms related to performance and service availability that should be negotiated, including:

· a higher percentage uptime requirement (the percentage of time over each day, month or year which the vendor guarantees the service will be up and running, often between 99.5% and 99.9%). This offered in what as known as the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

· shorter measurement period for calculating the availability percentage

· limitations on scheduled downtime for maintenance

· requirements for response and resolution time to fix a reported problem

· hours during which support is available and requirements for online and email support during non-business hours

· credits to the customer for failure to meet response time and resolution time requirements.

SaaS vendors usually prefer lower uptime percentage requirements, longer measurement periods, and exclusions from calculation of service availability for scheduled downtime or maintenance.  


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